Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Webring.com pretty much hijacked the whole webring. I don't know how its being managed. I stepped away for some IRL issues awhile back with the intention of returning to admin the webring but when I got back I found that the Webring.com managers had taken it over due to lack of activity...no notice or anything.

They stated that they had served noticed in the manager forums and newsletters (??). Now, if a webring owner doesn't monitor those media, WTF is one to do...an e-mail to the webring owner may have been much more proactive.

In addition to that, I've Webring Support emailing me back with teenage responses. I'm SOOOO glad I didn't actually spend money on a membership or I'd be pissed (then again, if I were a paying member, this may never have happened...heh).

So, I'm out a webring that I created and managed for years, due to Webring.com being a bit overly zealous in their management. In the meantime, I've no idea how the webring is being managed. They aren't accepting adoptions and even when they do start accepting adoptions, I'm not about to sit there and elect myself when it was mine to begin with. They must be out of their minds. I'm not going to get bent over like that. Whoever wants it can have it. I'm happier without the damn thing.

Yeah, I still have my Zaurus. It hasn't been cranked up in ages. I still use my Axim more (the PIM tools are much better and more compatible with the sync tools and PIM software on my work laptop). Its a cool tool and all but I'm thinking maybe I should've spent my money on something else, or at least waited until the SL6000. I'm thinking on reflashing back to a previous version so I can get Kismet working again...that way I can still screw with wireless pentesting.

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