Two entries ago, I'd stated that I hoped that the Zaurus would talk to the new Ericsson T68i I acquired. Well, that seems to NOT be a problem.
In fact, I'm duly impressed, as I transferred ALL my phone contacts from the Zaurus to the T68i without any format problems. The Zaurus transmitted both Home phone numbers and Work numbers...anything attached to that number, the Zaurus transferred exactly how the data was annotated. Additionally, the T68i saw that data and didn't change the formats. It also received the data exactly how the data was annotated in the Zaurus. This, IMO is exceptional. I've PDAs that didn't transfer data so exact a manner.
One thing I do want to try is doing IR transfers from the Zaurus to my Toshiba laptop when its running Linux. I've never tried using the IR protocol in Linux with a laptop.
With the Zaurus WebRing, I've trimmed the member level down a bit, as a few members didn't feel like heeding my notice to ensure that their WebRing code was active and correct on their Zaurus pages. I felt bad for deactivating their accounts but I've seen the WebRing grow considerably. With that growth, a certain responsibility is required to ensure that the involved sites are maintained and can be accessed, or at the very least, have connectivity with the WebRing. I want Zaurus users to be able to share their ideas and resources and I feel this is a very good way to share and have an open community.
Well, work calls so I have to end this.
Best wishes.