About 5 days ago, I created a slackpack for QtopiaDesktop (v1.7, I think). This is for me only. I did it because those fools at Trolltech only offer it in RPMs for Suse and Redhat. They also offer it for MacOS. There is no source. I built the slackpack using the 'rpm2tgz' tool. The binary executes and the product seems to work, although I cannot seem to get the app to talk to my Zaurus. I'm using ROM v3.10 on the Zaurus. Is this why? I'd heard that they took wifi capability out of ROM v3.10, but I've also tried to connect to the desktop using the USB cradle...still a no-go.
Maybe I'll play with it at work sometime tonight when I've a few minutes to myself.
Anyways, I cannot offer that particular slackpack to the public since I believe Trolltech has restrictions on that piece of software (which is probably why they offer it in binary only). What I'll do is ask them if they want a copy of the slackpack so they can make it available to everyone visiting their FTP site that uses Slackware.
This post will also be duplicated at http://slackpack.blogspot.com/ since it relates to the Zaurus.